Mega sites

5G control tower concept for remote monitoring, tele-operation & AV fleet management

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The demo in Sweden will be held in the cities of Göteborg and Linköping. The Göteborg site is located in a world class tech and mobility innovation eco-system and cluster. Over 400 companies are located hereas well as two universities (Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg). The newly established Vallastaden neighbourhood of Linköping, including Mjärdevi Science Park with Ericsson, Combitech and 370 more companies, features sustainable construction with a clear focus on fossil-free transport with car pool, electric bike pool, cargo bike pool and priority for walking and cyclists.
The innovation of the Mega site in Sweden is a 5G control tower concept that can remote monitor a fleet of vehicles.
In the demo, a separate on-demand service will integrated in AV-fleet set-up and operation of integrated platform for optimisation of transport systems (including AV) in Linköping, interfaced also to various MaaS schemes. Three autonomous shuttles and one autonomous vehicle will be deployed in Göteborg; in Linköping three autonomous shuttles of different manufacturers will be deployed.
The target is to prove a robust, safe and reliable operation of a fleet of electrical autonomous vehicles with the 5G control tower that enables removal of operators in vehicles, which is a requirement for a commercial use of AVs in public transport.
<20km/h (Linköping Vallastaden, Kista)
4 (all vehicles)
User groups include commuters, residents and tourists. The passenger stations themselves will be adapted for all-access use (elderly, PRM). In Linköping, there is both a school, with a unit for children with special needs, and an elderly residential care facility.