Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
(I-Sense group)


The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a non-profit Academic Research Body
established in 1989 by the Ministry of Education in order to carry research and development activities in the fields of all diverse aspects of telecommunications, computer systems and techniques and their application in a variety of areas. The personnel of ICCS consists of a number of Research scientists and more than 500 Associate scientists (including PhD students). ICCS is associated with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and is being supervised by the Hellenic Ministry of Education.

The ICCS group involved here is the I-SENSE group which focuses among others on intelligent vehicles including automated driving systems, sensors and information fusion, human machine interaction and communication technologies. I-SENSE group is coordinating and participating in several ITS related projects of H2020 such as HEADSTART, ARCADE, 5G-MOBIX, L3-Pilot, interACT, NeMo, SENSKIN and PASSME, the 7th FWP such as AdaptIVe, AutoNet2030, CityMobil2, VRA, TEAM, MOBiNET, COMPASS4D, Mobility2.0, PowerUp, interactIVe, MiniFaros, HAVEit, euroFOT, TeleFOT and of the 6th FWP such as AIDE, PReVENT and SAFESPOT.

As its main activities within SHOW, ICCS is leading the project’s reference architecture activity and acts as the leader of the e-Trikala site, being responsible for all technical verifications, any beta testing for the pilot, remote control development and maintenance, homologation for the vehicles, evaluation and assessment (all the latter in collaboration with e-Trikala S.A. project partner which acts as the liaison with the municipality).