Institut VEDECOM
The VEDECOM Institute for the Energy Transition is a public-private partnership foundation based on an unprecedented collaboration between 58 players engaged in innovative and sustainable mobility, more environmentally-friendly, more autonomous and with improved sharing. It brings together academic establishments, local authorities, and various private stakeholders involved in mobility of the future: automotive, public transport and mobility, logistics, road infrastructures, telecommunications, energy, aeronautics and defence, digital services and simulation, insurances.
VEDECOM’s research and development work covers three areas: electrification, connected and automated vehicles, new mobility solutions and shared energy. Created in 2014 as part of the “Investing in the Future Programme”, VEDECOM is contributing to the “France Vehicule Autonome programme.
VEDECOM has 400 publications and 80 theses to its credit, as well as 2,500 persons trained as part of its training programme. With an annual budget of €30M, it has more than 200 employees. Its 10 founding members are: Renault Group, PSA Group, Valeo, Safran, Cetim, IFPEN, Gustave Eiffel University, Versailles Saint Quentin University, ESIGELEC, ESTACA.