The first Pan-European Workshop of SHOW took place virtually on Friday 18 September 2020, under the title“How to make CCAM in Cities a reality”.
The aim of this Workshop was to discuss and investigate the trends, priorities, needs and initiatives towards shared, connected and electrified automation in urban transport, in the framework of the SHOW project.
SHOW aims to advance the path towards sustainable urban transport, through technical solutions, business models and priority scenarios for impact assessment, by deploying shared, connected, cooperative, electrified fleets of autonomous vehicles in public transport, Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Logistics as a Service (LaaS) operational chains in real-life demonstrations taking place in 20 cities across Europe.

More than 90 participants joined this virtual event, while keynote speeches were presented by Mr. Patrick Mercier-Handisyde (DG RTD, EC), Bill Halkias (IRF), Maria Alonso-Raposo (JRC), and Tom Vöge (ICC) that informed about recent developments and stimulated discussions with the audience.
After a short presentation of the SHOW project by Matina Loukea from CERTH/HIT, two interactive sessions were organised. One interactive session focused on the prioritisation and optimisation of the SHOW Use Cases, where participants had the opportunity to provide their feedback through a voting App and through discussion, emphasising the safety, environmental and traffic efficiency parameters of the Use Cases related to autonomous traffic in real city environments.

The participants were asked to vote on how they expected this UC to impact on those pre-defined parameters (indicative example).
At the second interactive session, the discussion was focused on relevant Business & Operating Models, fostering a multistakeholders feedback on their delivered attributes and connected implications for the mobility solutions of today but also of the future.

SHOW Business Model & Value Proposition canvas
The Workshop was closed with the suggestion by the organisers to all participants to register to the SHOW Stakeholders Forum, enabling them to provide their feedback throughout the project and contribute to paving the way to the autonomous urban mobility of the future.
The presentations of the workshop are available for download here.