The SHOW project is unique in many ways, one of them being our 69-strong consortium. Our SHOW partners come from every corner of the transport sector across the EU, each bringing their own strengths and knowledge to the table. Safe to say we want you to meet them!
Next up is the Municipality of Ballerup, which serves as one of the pilot sites in the SHOW project. We spoke to Tina Wexøe Ertbjerg, Traffic Planner at the Center for City, Business & Environment.
Can you tell us a bit more about your role in the SHOW project?
The Municipality of Ballerup in Denmark has taken on the role as the demonstration site “Copenhagen Commute” in the SHOW project.
Our focus is to contribute to the development and deployment of automated vehicles through a partnership with local businesses, Movia and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The businesses in the district, which form the test site area, employ more than +20.000 people and the knowledge institutions have daily flow of +5.000 students and teachers. This calls for an innovative transportation management. We believe the test of automated vehicles will bring us closer to our mission of becoming a true innovation district with a multimodel public transport hub with a mix of trains, high-speed buses and bikes.
How do you see the role of automation in advancing sustainable mobility?
The Municipality of Ballerup has committed itself to the Danish National implementation of the Paris agreement.
We have also committed ourselves to conduct a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy by June 2022. We believe the automation of the transportation sector and the fact that the automated vehicles will run on green electricity instead of fossil fuels will help transform the transportation sector and thus our reach of carbon neutrality target in 2050.
We expect a further automation will lead to a higher use of public transportation.
Why do you consider a project such as SHOW important for the sector?
The major transformation of the transportation sector and the daily life of citizens and business required by the need for lowing greenhouse gas emissions, calls for collective action. The SHOW project is a European partnership and a step towards bringing real life experience into the innovative technology of automated vehicles.
In what aspect do you expect SHOW to have the biggest impact?
The SHOW project will give us insights on how automated vehicles can transform the transportation sector and how it will provide an even more attractive access to recruit talents for our local businesses.