One of the objectives of the SHOW project is to foster international cooperation on automated mobility, by collaborating with global organisations working on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM). Therefore we are proud and happy to announce SHOW has signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Mobility Innovation Collaborative Research Organization, The University of Tokyo (UTmobI) and ITS Japan.
Under the MoU, SHOW, UTmobI and ITS Japan commit to exchange know-how, lessons learned and best practices acquired on the design, development and demonstration of automated mobility. Collaboration will mainly focus on topics such as vehicle driving behaviour, use of V2X communication, remote supervision and control, regulatory aspects, and user acceptance.
An online signing ceremony took place on 19 October 2021, hosted by SHOW Coordinator Dr. Henriette Cornet and gathering Prof. Yoshihiro Suda from UTMobI, Akio Yamamoto from ITS Japan and Umberto Guida from UITP (representing the SHOW Consortium). The event was also joined by Georgios Sarros and Patrick Mercier-Handisyde from the European Commission.
During the event, all parties highlighted the essence of international cooperation to advance automated mobility worldwide and ultimately, achieve more sustainable cities.
Still this year, SHOW, UTmobI and ITS Japan will see the kick off of activities, which will continue in the next year.
UTmobl is a research organisation established by The University of Tokyo, focussing on innovative mobility research that is centered around autonomous driving. http://www.its.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/utmobi/en/.
ITS Japan is a non-profit corporation consisting of representatives from organisations, industry and private business corporations and academia related to intelligent transport systems. https://www.its-jp.org/english/.