The SHOW project is unique in many ways, one of them being our 70-strong consortium. Our SHOW partners come from every corner of the transport sector across the EU, each bringing their own strengths and knowledge to the table. Safe to say we want you to meet them!
Next up is AIT, the Austrian Institute of Technology. We spoke to Peter Saleh, Senior Research Engineer & Thematic Coordinator at AIT.
Can you tell us a bit more about your role in the SHOW project?
AIT is participating as partner and especially as WP8 leader. Our focus is the interrelation of CCAM with physical and digital infrastructure. Our specific expertise are the R&D activities regarding all relevant infrastructure requirements for safe and sustainable automated driving.
How do you see the role of automation in advancing sustainable mobility?
Yes, AVs and CCAM can be part of a more sustainable mobility, if it is well planned and integrated. On some network levels (e.g. motorways) it will be highly efficient, on others, maybe automatic public means of transport, are enough. In urban areas, AVs can be part of a mobility service without private ownerships. AD and CCAM should not lead to more congestion and lower road capacity. Safety and environmental emissions must be optimized with the rollout of those vehicle classes.
Why do you consider a project such as SHOW important for the sector?
Any public project, any collaboration is increasing the know-how and expertise in that field. Beside industry research, EC funded projects help in increasing the visibility and acceptance of AVs and CCAM, address public requests and deliver common agreements on technical specifications.
In what aspect do you expect SHOW to have the biggest impact?
AV and CCAM in urban areas are a major game changer. It will boost the general need of automated mobility. SHOW with its size and number of relevant partners has a large impact, as the results will be well spread in the community. Visibility and acceptance will be clearly pushed, as well as the added values regarding know-how and experience.