Have you ever wondered who are the people working in the field of automated mobility? And what motivates them to work on self-driving vehicles?
To get answers to your questions, SHOW launched the new podcast series ‘Automated Mobility: The people behind the wheel.’ In the podcast, you will get to know the experts working in the field of automated mobility through a series of interviews. Hosted by Henriette Cornet, UITP, Coordinator of the SHOW project, the podcast wants to build the bridge between research and practice, between experts and passengers.
#3: Towards seamless and safe transportation
In this episode, you will learn about the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the specific role of Katharina Karnahl in the Institute of Transportation Systems. Katharina explains us the concept of intermodality, in which you can use seamlessly several means of transport to reach your destination. She mentions the need for connectivity of vehicles – if automated or not – to enable more fluidity in the traffic flow and reduce the emissions of vehicles.
In her vision of the perfect city, she doesn’t have to bother on how to get from A to be, about the parking space or about traffic jam. For this, she underlines the need of integration of different means of transportation (including AVs) in the public transport system so that “we have the possibility to move around smoothly, safely, with low emission and negative effect on mobility”.
A huge thanks to our guests for their time and fantastic insights!
Automated Mobility: The people behind the wheel is also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and TuneIn.