Have you ever wondered who are the people working in the field of automated mobility? And what motivates them to work on self-driving vehicles?
To get answers to your questions, SHOW launched the new podcast series ‘Automated Mobility: The people behind the wheel.’ In the podcast, you will get to know the experts working in the field of automated mobility through a series of interviews. Hosted by Henriette Cornet, UITP, Coordinator of the SHOW project, the podcast wants to build the bridge between research and practice, between experts and passengers.
#8: Delphine Grandsart – For a continuous citizen engagement
In this episode, Delphine introduces EPF – the European Passengers Federation – and its members. She tells us about the passengers whose needs and wishes are key when developing a seamless mobility system in the city.
In SHOW, Delphine is in charge of the user engagement strategy. She shares with us the different forms that this engagement can take: focus groups, ideathons, hackathons or even citizens’ dialogues, with the ultimate goal to unveil “how much technology do we need for our mobility and what is in it for the end-users and for the society as a whole”. She reminds us that user engagement is a continuous action because new users will always come to try the service and we should not forget about keeping a human touch while developing automated mobility services.
A huge thanks to our guests for their time and fantastic insights!
Listen to the podcast here
Automated Mobility: The people behind the wheel is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and TuneIn.