Last week, SHOW Czech partners had the opportunity to present their autonomous shuttles in a very special event: Urban Mobility Days 2022, held in the city of Brno. Other consortium members attended the congress to introduce the project’s latest updates.
Sustainability is at the heart of the urban mobility debate. Last week, during the EU Mobility Week, numerous campaigns sought to raise awareness and enhance collaboration to achieve this goal. Another mobility milestone took place in the city of Brno. From 20 to 22 September, the DG MOVE from the European Commission and the Council of the EU, currently chaired by the Czech Republic, organised the Urban Mobility Days 2022. Under the theme ‘Moving people and goods more sustainably’, the event gathered the latest innovations and high-representatives from the sector for achieving more sustainable mobility across cities.
CDV, SHOW partner and the leader behind our Czech pilot, was present in the ‘Demo City’ to introduce the driverless vehicles to the public. Together with the presence of the European Commission, they took the opportunity to inaugurate a regular service of our autonomous vehicles in the SHOW project. During one of the sessions, Marek Vanzura, director of autonomous driving at CDV, presented SHOW lessons learned and the latest updates.
The Czech satellite site includes two RoboShuttles and one RoboTaxi. Their goal is to complement the existing Public Transport system, enhancing urban mobility for all citizens. The conference attendants had the chance to take a ride around the venue on our autonomous vehicles, collaboratively deployed by CDV, Artin and the City of Brno.
Citizen engagement is at the core of the SHOW project. The congress allowed us to interact directly with the public and get to know their impressions first-hand. Being the first time in an autonomous vehicle for many, people’s reactions were highly positive.
Additionally, UITP, SHOW coordinator, attended the Urban Mobility Days and promoted our project as a holistic solution for people, cities, and the planet.