In mid-November, the SHOW consortium partners, DLR and FZI, hosted an action-packed Demo Week event in Karlsruhe, Germany. A complete and engaging agenda was devoted to demonstrating automated driving and the technologies behind it. The event welcomed a diverse audience of professional engineering experts, engaged stakeholders from the Karlsruhe technology region, and students from various universities. This encounter served as a platform for knowledge exchange and the exploration of research and career opportunities in the field of automated driving. Partners from the German test sites had the opportunity to try out the DLR and FZI vehicles. They witnessed demonstrations and received explanations of advanced functionalities such as platooning, automated capsule exchanging, and autonomous driving without a virtual rail. These demonstrations provided tangible evidence of the transformative potential of automated mobility and its ability to revolutionize transportation.
DLR’s modular vehicle – U-Shift with automatic capsules exchanging for people and goods transport
The Demo Week in Karlsruhe proved to be a triumph, gathering positive feedback from the diverse participants. The event fostered invaluable exchanges of experiences and insights among stakeholders, leading to a fruitful interchange of ideas and lively discussions exploring the potential implications of automated driving. The planned activities and demonstrations with both U-Shift and the FZI-shuttles performed successfully, tackling the designed tasks smoothly, and proving the positive impact and operational capabilities of automated mobility.

FZI-shuttles, operating without a pre-defined virtual rail