Cover photo from Dit is Helmond
In January 2024, a demonstration event was organised at the Automotive Campus in Helmond (the Netherlands) in the framework of the SHOW project. It was a popular event gaining much interest from the public: around 250 people participated, among them a large group of people living in the Brainport region that are employed in the automotive sector.
Organised by project partner TNO in cooperation with the Municipality of Helmond, the event showcased activities both from the SHOW and the MOVE2CCAM project. Visitors could see and drive in different automated vehicles with different automated driving functions.
TNO demonstrated their functionality of the SHOW project for safe intersection crossing with C-ITS to a wide audience. People were invited to take a seat in a CCAM test vehicle from TNO where the system was explained, where they could experience various traffic light scenarios. The C-ITS enabled traffic light provided the status of the traffic light following the EU standards of the C-ITS platform (i.e. so-called SPAT messages), and the CCAM vehicle gently stopped when the traffic light was red.
The majority of the feedback from the participations was that they felt comfortable and safe, which is a positive assessment of the developed technology. There were questions about when this could be used on the roads. The many C-ITS equipped traffic in the Brainport already provide the information that was used in the demonstration, so it is only a matter of implementing the functionality in future vehicles. In addition, a presentation with more in-depth information was made about the technology and driving strategies that were demonstrated.
The event was also covered in the Dutch press, via DitisHelmond and Het Eindhovens Dagblad.