Have you ever wondered who are the people working in the field of automated mobility? And what motivates them to work on self-driving vehicles?
To get answers to your questions, SHOW launched the new podcast series ‘Automated Mobility: The people behind the wheel.’ In the podcast, you will get to know the experts working in the field of automated mobility through a series of interviews. Hosted by Henriette Cornet, UITP, Coordinator of the SHOW project, the podcast wants to build the bridge between research and practice, between experts and passengers.
#5: Autonomy Paris – Special edition IN FRENCH/EN FRANCAIS
This episode is a special edition ***in French*** that has been recorded during the congress and exhibition Autonomy in Paris in March 2022.
Cet episode en francais a été enregistre lors du salon Autonomy a Paris en mars 2022. Les participant-e-s suivant-e-s devoilent leurs activités dans le domaine de la mobilite autonome :
- Nicolas Marescaux, MACIF
- Thomas Scapin, Conseil et recherche
- Marine Bernard, Conseil et recherche
- Jean-Francois Sencerin, PFA Plateforme automobile
- Nadege Faul, VEDECOM
- Pierre Chehwan, NAVYA
- Mohamed Mezghani, UITP
Merci à tous et toutes !
Liens utiles :
- Le salon Autonomy Paris https://www.autonomy.paris/
- Le projet europeen SHOW https://show-project.eu/
- Le projet francais SAM https://www.vedecom.fr/projet-sam-securite-et-acceptabilite-de-la-mobilite-autonome/
- Communauté d’Interet Movin’On https://www.movinonconnect.com/fr/communautes-dinterets/
- NAVYA https://navya.tech/
- UITP https://www.uitp.org/
A huge thanks to our guests for their time and fantastic insights!
Automated Mobility: The people behind the wheel is also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and TuneIn.