From 14 to 17 November, the TRA Conference was held in Lisbon, and of course SHOW was present! Throughout the week, we had a jampacked agenda with conference sessions, demos, and side-events – apart from our own corner at the UITP stand. Read on to explore some of the highlights!
On Monday, the tone was set with the first strategic session “CCAM In Europe – Paving the Way to Deployment”, which was co-chaired by Evangelos Bekiaris, Director of CERTH/HIT. Bringing together representatives from multimodal transport across Europe to discuss the status quo in CCAM, speakers included Rosalinde van der Vlies (European Commission), Biagio Ciuffo (JRC, European Commission) and Serge Van Dam (CCAM Partnership Association).
During the session, synergies, societal dimension and regulations were underlined, as well as passenger acceptance. “Ideally people shouldn’t notice that they are in an automated vehicle. If we scale up, fleets will be integrated into every day lives: people will jump in, use the vehicle, not even being confronted so much with the technology”, according to SHOW Coordinator Henriette Cornet.
The Tuesday kicked off with an Invited Session on the need for international collaboration. Moderated by UITP, this session explored the impact of CCAM on accessibility to mobility for elderly and students, as well as traffic congestion reduction in the context of International Collaboration with EU, Japan, USA & Australia.
The Invited Session ‘AutoMATE: Concertation for Smart, Green, Automated and Integrated Transport’ concluded the Tuesday and provided important learnings for new projects. It looked into the technological challenges experienced by EU projects on CCAM and beyond: generating simulation models, data sharing and its quality, and integration with existing services.
Besides different Strategic, Invited and Scientific/Poster Sessions, various side-events took place at the UITP stand. On Tuesday, SHOW partners VIF (represented by Markus Schratter) and RISE Sweden (represented by Thanh Bui) highlighted two project innovations: the SHOW Dashboard and simulations of the SHOW demo sites.
On Wednesday SHOW had the pleasure to invite Serge van Dam, Co-Chair of the CCAM Partnership, to the UITP stand, discussing how both initiatives work together to advance automated mobility through large-scale demos in Europe.
Finally, observant TRA attendees could see the YAPE delivery robot zigzagging between different booths over the course of the week. Brought to the conference by SHOW Partner Joint Research Centre (JRC) this robot showed how it is used for last-mile deliveries.
The SHOW Consortium would like to thank all participants and speakers for their efforts at TRA!
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