On June 23, the three EU funded projects SHOW, 5G-LOGINNOV and 5GMETA organised the joint workshop “5G: Challenges and Opportunities for CAD, Transport & Logistics and Big Data”.
As the importance of data grows by the day, the workshop provided a unique opportunity to discuss how 5G has the potential to transform the mobility sector on a large scale, impacting logistic, freight transport, as well as automotive and urban mobility.
Featuring experts from the three consortia, the event offered a chance to peek at the forefront of innovation: 5G-LOGINNOV , which aims to support new type of IoT-5G connectivity devices by deploying new CAD and Logistics as a Service in real-life port-city areas, offered an overview on the latest developments on next generation of 5G-CAD terminals and ports, while new opportunities for data-driven services and data monetization had been described by 5G META (5GMETA is working towards creating a flexible telematics platform for pipelining car captured and generated data).
Finally, SHOW’s partners Maria Gkemou – CERTH/HIT, member of the Technical Manager team in SHOW, and Pekka Eloranta – Sitowise, Tampere demo leader, focused on 5G’s applications to urban mobility, while Peter Schmitting – ERTICO – ITS Europe, who is coordinating the standardisation activities in SHOW, delivered a presentation on standardisation.
‘5G is expected to play a crucial role in automated mobility. Still, the path is long to reach the maturity and readiness required to support safety-critical deployment for automated public transport, as well as first and last-mile mobility services, which are becoming an essential part of the integrated public transport system and will also help us to reach the climate goals.’
M. Gkemou and P. Eloranta
With the goal of supporting the deployment of shared, connected and electrified automated vehicles in urban transport, to advance sustainable urban mobility, SHOW will deploy more than 70 SAE L4/L5 AVs for both passenger and cargo transport in dedicated lanes and mixed traffic, connected to a wide range of supporting infrastructure (5G, G5, IoT) and operating under traffic speeds ranging from 18 to over 50km/h.
With 20 European cities as demonstration sites, SHOW will make adaptability to different needs and conditions its trademark; as an example, its digital and communication infrastructure is planned to be hybrid across sites AND within the same site (mixing technologies such as 4G, 5G, ITS-G5, Wifi). Moreover, the digital infrastructure will be distributed but also centrally monitored, so respecting and relying on the most mature technologies in place; it will also be fit to accommodate a multifaceted architecture (and its variations). Finally, the project will also accommodate a high degree of variability in the coupling with the physical infrastructure.
Exactly this high variability in testing and demonstration cases is SHOW’s greatest asset: never before has a project carried out such a big and all-encompassing demonstrations integrating automated vehicles in urban environments, making the integration truly “real-life” fit.
SHOW’s flexibility allows to actually pinpoint the needs of each demo site and offer the right tailor-made solutions, as showcased in Tampere – Finland.
Curious about our satellite site in Tampere?! Read more here!
Described in details by our partner Pekka Eloranta (Sitowise), the Tampere satellite site is a great example of how SHOW’s solutions can be integrated in existing and planned mobility strategies.
More concretely: Tampere’s Mayor Programme 2018-2021 states: “The objective is to create a public transport system, where train, tram, bus and city bike services support each other. The aim is to have autonomous buses gradually operating in feeder services in Tampere by 2021”, to which SHOW responds by piloting a seamless autonomous feeder transport service in Hervanta to new tramline to start in the beginning of 2022.
Or, another example: in Finland national legislation allows remote maneuvers, which requires cyber secure remote monitoring & control targeted – real-time communications needed. As remote monitoring & control will benefit from capacity, realiability & low latency of 5G, Tampere can benefit from SHOW’s studies on the use of 5G in automated transport.
And it is indeed in this examples like these ones that the an extra “hidden” value of SHOW can emerge: through trial, real-life demonstrations, and research, SHOW is ideally placed to identify gaps and shortcomings in existing standards. As underlined by Peter Schmitting, ERTICO – ITS Europe:
‘The analysis of project’s results can help identify standardisation candidates and, as a whole, help local, regional, national and European legislation to advance.’
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These projects are co-funded by the EU under the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, respectively under: grant agreements No. 875530 (SHOW); grant agreement No. 957360 (5GMETA); grant agreement No. 957400 Innovation Action (5G-LOGINNOV).