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Yes we CCAM – SHOW presented at EUCAD2021

Yes we CCAM – SHOW presented at EUCAD2021

From 20 to 22 April 2021, the third European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving took place virtually, and SHOW was present! The event brought together political leaders and Member States with high-level representatives of industry,...

SHOW delivers its Market Analysis of mobility services

SHOW delivers its Market Analysis of mobility services

The partners of the SHOW project, under the Work Package “Exploitation and economic impact assessment” have recently reached an important milestone by completing the deliverable “D16.1 – Market Analysis”. The deliverable aims to provide an analysis...

SHOW kicks off first Ideathon

SHOW kicks off first Ideathon

On 15 January 2021, the first SHOW Ideathon took place online organized by ERTICO and EPF, with the support of CERTH, UITP and EUROCITIES. In total, 39 people attended the event, including both SHOW partners and external stakeholders. A diversity...

Business and operating models for CCAM:  First insights from SHOW

Business and operating models for CCAM: First insights from SHOW

One of the objectives of SHOW is to explore business schemes for automated vehicles that are cost-efficient and can be adapted to existing and planned infrastructure, to fleets, as well as to different cities and regions and their operational and...

SHOW signs agreement with ITS Japan and University of Tokyo

SHOW signs agreement with ITS Japan and University of Tokyo

One of the objectives of the SHOW project is to foster international cooperation on automated mobility by collaborating with global organisations working on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM). Therefore, we are happy to announce...